Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Concussion Work Day

I'm pretty sure that when I slipped and hit my head on the way to the studio that I had a concussion. For sure I made interesting decisions that day.  I made a screen of the sardines that I couldn't get to work properly, so I decided to cut down three 60 foot rolls of butcher paper and print all the little fish on the vandercook.  First of all, I tore down all the cheap paper, which in my hazy state was fascinating...

All trimmed down it made quite an intimidating stack...
Did I mention I strained my wrist on the way down?  Don't worry, the blue is from the ink.
over-flowing racks several hours later.
Those several hundred fish added to the school.

Miss Sparks getting overwhelmed by a portion of the new school.
Playing well with other ephemera.

I'm not sure how the final install of these will go.  While I was making them I was thinking that they would decorate the walls of room 301. But part of me wants to cut them all out of their enclosures laminate them and create a curtain or chandelier from the little guys.  So many decisions. 

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