Thursday, April 5, 2012

Birthday Record Breaking.

The text says "I'm thinking of retiring"

So, yesterday, on my 32nd birthday, I remeasured the fingerknitting. Unfortunately, though this time I had a cinematographer, I still didn't get the footage my little heart desires (or, for that matter, due to technical difficulties, even comprehensive footage...). So, still no challenge in the works. But, the good news is that I do, for certain, have more yardage than I need. The record is 4321 meters, and I have over 4550. Right now it's sitting in my basement in 12 small balls, awaiting the day I will have the energy to roll it back into one big ball and go for the cinematic marvel that I'm in hot (ok, tepid) pursuit of.

Don't let the photos confuse you- it's not warm in TCs up at the Enterprise Middle School (go wildcats) track (maybe highs of 45 yesterday). But moving that ball around is what I call "strenuous," as is re-winding it. Michael (the cinemagician) and my loving mother helped me remove the cords, and I was impressed at how much faster I can wind a ball than either of them. I guess I'm good at something besides making tuna sandwiches. All in all, with all the help, the whole process of measuring and then re-balling took almost 6 hours. Sigh...

So, I'm envisioning a whole family of various cameras, including a more happily functional gopro (mine has decided to stop holding it's charge...)- the track is so large as to be difficult to see the entire thing in one shot. Also, Michael has put me in mind of many screens...

I'm sore all over...

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