Thursday, March 21, 2013

L.A. Day

I made the logical pilgrimage to the Pinata district on a blustery February day. I, for some odd reason, thought I should walk there from my friend Dan's place up in Silverlake, so it was a bit of a treck to what turned out not to be a great photo opportunity because shop owners would shake their heads as soon as they saw my camera, but here are a few surreptitious shots anyway.
pretty smacking devices.

OoH! Orca! Kinda like a Shark!

After that I ventured back into the Fashion District, where for some reason I had never been before. Truly overwhelming, how every notion I've every longed for could have its own store!  Button Store!  Ribbon Store!  Artificial Fingernails by the pound! Rhinestone design Store! 

And there were all these bolts of fur out on the corners, blowing in the wind.
So lovely. But, once again, people objected to me taking footage of their product without buying it. 
So I walked to the toy district.
And then, very slowly, walked up the hill home. I was completely exhausted from research. 

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