Thursday, January 24, 2013

Packed like Sardines in a Tin

I'm a relatively cheap, easy print maker.  This block is made from a chip-board I originally meant to make a silkscreen transparency with.  Instead I mounted him to a 50cent piece of particle board with spray adhesive, and then coated him with PVA.
Here's a pile of single fish.
Empty bulletin board.  Well, empty except for Jori Ketten's prints (
After one On The Media episode.
Whole bulletin board.  But there were still more fish!
Headed east!  

All in all, I think there's around 600 fish... More pictures, I'm sure, soon.  Also, today I should get some paper on rolls to get back to that idea of silkscreening sardines in quantity!  Right?  Because what this world needs is more paper fish!
Right now this could make a sizable dent in the walls of the 301, but nowhere near the impact I really desire. Still, not bad for half a days work, really.


  1. Very cool Of course you know of Fortune Telling Fish...

    1. I do. There are many that will be inside the sharks; I especially like them because they are red.
