Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sci- Fi and Seals

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For nearly the last week I've been chilling at the Oregon Coast and immersing myself in a study of sci-fi. This time of year the weather alternates between hail, rain, burst of sun, and grey, so there isn't a lot of reason to go outside. Instead I've been sitting on a courderoy couch, fingerknitting like a fiend, while my friend Andrew curates the basics.

So far the list has included:
Flash Gordon, the Purple Plague serial
Omega Man
Godzilla vs. Megalon
Soylent Green
The Man Who Fell to Earth.

Today it's Blade Runner... and then there's going to be a little break...

Anyway, what has been kicking around as an idea is how science fiction seems to rely on the misunderstanding of science as the fulcrum on which the story turns. That's where the anxiety comes from. Not quite sure where to go with the rest of that observation.

But in the meantime I read the old issue of Nature that was next to the toilet in the bathroom here in the house of a chemist, and found this article titled "Governance and Environmental Change in the Arctic Ocean" (April, 2009, that had this beautiful map graphic. Perfect sci-fi plot- How witll the Arctic be divided politically after there is no more ice?

And I've been out watching the seals. Which are just so much cooler than anything that can fit in a television.

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