Thursday, December 27, 2012

Smashy Smashy Christmas

At last, I have started smashing the Pinatas!  Or, more accurately, having the pinatas smashed for me by willing relatives on Christmas night. 

 Pictured here are a few- Alice, Abby, Owen and Gwen (and my step-mom's parrot)
I took the larger shark down to a gazebo in one of the parks I used to work in on a very snowy Christmas afternoon.  You can almost see the Columbia River off in the background on the left. After dinner I brought down cousins and fathers and kids of cousins so that we could get our smash on.

I thoroughly enjoyed (as you can hear) the smashing of my art work. I was perfectly happy that it didn't take longer than 3 minutes and 5 people to do the dirty work. I was gratified by Owen's squeals, and that later he asked me if next year we could have an even bigger pinata (he's 7). My cousin is taking the shark head back to his classroom (in rural Omack) to mount on the wall. All went exactly as planned.

I stopped by this public dumpster the next day.  So exciting to be able to watch my work go into the trash with purpose and carpet.

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